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Basics of bio safety

Basic rules on bio safety in a laboratory;

  • Wash hands after handling biological materials, after removing gloves and before leaving work area.
  • Don't eat, drink, etc. in the work area.
  • Never mouth pipette.
  • Take extreme precautions when sharps must be used. Dispose sharps carefully and properly.
  • Conduct procedures likely to create splashes, sprays, or aerosols within a biological safety cabinet that is certified annually.
  • Decontaminate work surfaces at least daily.
  • Decontaminate waste materials before disposal.
  • Wear a BUTTONED lab coat to protect your clothes.
  • Wear gloves when hands may come in contact with potentially infectious materials, contaminated surfaces, or equipment.
  • Wear eye/face protection if splashes or sprays are anticipated during work outside a biological safety cabinet.
  • Transport materials outside of the laboratory using secondary containment and a cart. Avoid public areas during transport.
  • Transfer materials according to federal and international regulations.
  • Be familiar with written instructions for laboratory procedures and proper responses to emergencies.
  • Report spills, exposures, illnesses, and injuries immediately.

See Also

Bio safety Standard Operating Procedures (S.O.P.)

S.O.P. for working with bio hazardous materials

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