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WI-1215 Level 4 maintenance

Work instruction Number 1215 (PDF)

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Purpose:Maintenance level 4

Safety: Bio Hazard area


Instrument: Interrliner

Revision: 003, 2019

Clean Fill nozzle and exchange O-ring Fill Nozzle


Clean fill nozzle

The use of a toothbrush and detergent is recommended.

  • Carefully scrub the fill nozzle inner part.
  • Use a tissue to dry the fill nozzle.


FIll nozzle

Clean waste separator and exchange filters


17402 Remove waste separator



A. Clean all parts with hot water and a brush.
B. Use some acid free vaseline on the screw-thread of the glass jar, the top rim of the glass jar, the O-ring for the HEPA filter and the black PVC pipe on the back.


17402 Replace waste separator

C. If applicable replace the bacterial HEPA filter (For Maintenance Level 4: Exchange filter QWLV040002)

On waste bottle (If used):

Exchange bacterial filter QWLV040001 on the waste bottle assembly.

Exchange Rinse and Saline tube assembly

New rinse pump tube assembly ESRI090902.

Rinse pump with tubing


New saline pump tube assembly ESRI090903

Saline pump

New tube replacement:

  1. Open left cover.
  2. Pull pump tube slightly downwards and at the same time towards the front of the unit to release the tube out of the pump plate holder.
  3. Remove the old tube from the peristaltic pump rotor.
  4. Disconnect the tubing at both ends of the tube connectors.
  5. Connect new tubing to both ends of the connectors.
  6. Place one end of the tube in the pump plate holder.
  7. Pull the new tube over the peristaltic pump rotor.
  8. Pull pump tube slightly downwards and at the same time towards the back of the Interrliner.

Fill and clean

Starrsed Cleaning Agent preparation Interrliner ESR analyzer unit: Fill and clean:
This cycle takes about 90 minutes.

  1. Fill the clean adapter EHST110907 with hot de-ionized water. (+/- 150 ml, 80 °C)
  2. Add 15 ml Starrsed Cleaning Agent (QRR 010905) to the hot water in the adapter.
  3. Place the cap on the adapter and mix well.
  4. Put the adapter with cleaning solution on the lower tube holder.
  5. Select Maintenance tab, Prime/Clean, button Fill and clean.




Select key for using the fill and clean adapter or using  a separeted container with a silicon conneting tube Ok key Return to prime and clean menu


Start Fill and clean procedure:

  1. Select button OK.
  2. The needle goes down and the process is started.
  3. When all the pipettes are filled, the needle goes back to the home position.
  4. After the Fill & clean process is finished, a notification is given to stop the procedure.

    Select key for using the fill and clean adapter or using  a separeted container with a silicon conneting tube Ok key Return to prime and clean menu


  5. Remove the adapter from the needle assembly and press "Stop".

The instrument is ready for normal operation.

Sensor Check

Vacuum pressure check

  • Go to tab Maintenance -> Check sensor. Select Check Flow sensor box.
    Flow: 0980 ± 60 Abs: 0320 ±10
    If the flow is not in range there might be a blockage in the vacuum flow line to the flow sensor.

Fill Stop sensor check

  • Go to tab Maintenance -> Check sensor. Select Check Fill stop sensor box.
    Fill stop sensor FS 90..140..165

Diluter Start sensor check

  • Go to tab Maintenance -> Check sensor. Select Diluter start sensor box.
    Diluter start sensor 400-550-700

Measure sensor check

  • Go to tab Maintenance -> Check sensor. Select Check measure sensor box.
    Measure sensor MS 50 ±10

Temperature sensor check

  • Go to tab Maintenance -> Check sensor. Select Check Temperature sensor box.
    Temperature sensor TS [Room temperature]

Diluent flow sensor check

  • Go to tab Maintenance -> Check sensor. Select Check Diluent flow sensor box.
    Press test. When test is finished, signal Down and signal Up must be green.

Separator check

  • Go to tab Maintenance -> Check sensor. Select Check Separator sensor box.
    Separator sensor <200 600 >700

Inspect or replace sample probe or outer needle

Check needle condition. If necessary replace the sample probe or outer needle.

Check and cleaning

Prepare disinfectant: (if not already prepared).
This disinfectant is for cleaning of all external parts that are exposed to blood.

  1. Go to tab [Maintenance] and perform the [End-of-day wash] procedure.
  2. Check system for leakage.
    • Inspect the peristaltic pump tubes and connections for leaks.
    • Check that liquid does not run back after the pumps have stopped.
  3. Clean the outer needle with disinfectant
  4. Check tubing from the syringe for trapped air bubbles.
  5. Check Diluent syringe for trapped air bubbles.
  6. If trapped air bubbles are found, go to tab [Maintenance], click button [Prime / Clean] and perform the [Prime Diluent/Diluter] function.
  7. Wipe outer surface and stainless steel plate below the pipettes with disinfectant.
  8. Check (or replace if needed) two drip trays (ESRI010318)

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