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End-of-day-wash options

End-of-day wash procedure:
All pipettes will be washed once, needle, fill-nozzle and rinse-nozzle (wash station) are primed.

Select a schedule selection Press the OK button Cancel button

The following settings can be selected for the function:

  • No End-of-day wash: The function is not active.
  • Immediately: The function runs immediately after pressing the button OK.
  • Only once: The function runs only once at the selected time.
  • Weekdays: The function runs only on working days (monday till friday) at the selected time.
  • Daily: The function runs on a daily base at the selected time.

See Also

Maintenance screen

Prime / Clean

Check sensors

Display error history

Display maintenance history

Maintenance info


End-of-day-wash schedule settings

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