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QC Result analysis

Authorized staff should identify and differentiate acceptable/unacceptable random errors and trends and/or shifts in systematic errors from the statistical data. Depending on the users Quality Control Procedures analytical results could be accepted or rejected.

Changes in QC results can be gradual or abrupt. Gradual changes can be caused by contamination and incidental environmental variations. Abrupt changes can be caused by change of QC material batch or possible hardware errors.

If results are continuously out of range due to significant difference between calculated mean and control value, but the statistics show precise results with small deviations, it should be considered to expand the acceptable assay range with QC Settings (QC Settings, QC Settings).

If results are incidentally out of range it is advised to perform a daily maintenance and/or fill and clean step and then perform another QC sample step before releasing patient results.

If results are not send to the LIMS QC Results can be exported to MS Excel CSV files for further analysis in lab's own Quality Control data system.

See Also

QC Results screens

QC Normal results (table)

QC normal results screen extended

QC normal results (graph)

QC abnormal results (table)

QC abnormal results screen extended

QC abnormal results (graph)

Display sample history (QC)

Linked QC ID's

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